Gluten Free Restaurants Halifax – GF dining Nova Scotia!

Gluten Free Restaurants Halifax – GF dining Nova Scotia!

Are there gluten Free restaurants in Halifax? You might wonder because Halifax is not a big city in Canada. However, you would be surprised to know that there are a lot of options. There are gluten free restaurants and other restaurants with gluten free options. This is good news for Celiacs and gluten intolerant people…

Gluten Free Bakeries in Halifax – Cookies, Cupcakes and More in Nova Scotia

Gluten Free Bakeries in Halifax – Cookies, Cupcakes and More in Nova Scotia

“Do you know where I can find a good gluten free bakery?” Once upon a time, if you asked someone that question you might have gotten a blank stare. However, today gluten free bakeries are popping up everywhere and this is especially true in Halifax. How times have changed! (And if you want to read…