Gluten Free Questions – Which foods are gluten free? Our list of answers to your most popular questions

Gluten Free Questions – Which foods are gluten free? Our list of answers to your most popular questions

Hello! If – like me – you need to eat gluten free for health reasons (whether that be that you’re Celiac, or have an allergy or intolerance OR another reason altogether) then you’ll want to know what IS and ISN’T gluten free. You need to know this to stay safe. So – we’ve made up…

Is canola oil gluten free? Gluten free baking ingredients and questions

Is canola oil gluten free? Gluten free baking ingredients and questions

If you love to bake like I do, and you need to bake gluten free – then today’s question that we’re answering will be of help to you. That question is: “Is canola oil gluten free?” Canola oil, like other oils, is also a popular ingredient in regular day-to-day cooking. I often use it to…

Five Guys Gluten Free – Gluten free menu items

Five Guys Gluten Free – Gluten free menu items

Today is all about Five Guys – the burger joint also known for their incredible, freshly cut french fries. But, for those of us who eat gluten free, we really need to know if there is anything we can safely eat at Five Guys. So, does Five Guys have gluten free burgers and fries? Let’s…

Is gravy gluten free? What options do Celiacs have for delicious gravy?

Is gravy gluten free? What options do Celiacs have for delicious gravy?

Yum…first we tackled mashed potatoes the other day, researching whether or not they were gluten free or not. And now – the natural match for mashed potatoes: gravy! Today’s question is: “Is gravy gluten free?” So, that is exactly what we will find out today. It is another mouthwateringly delicious assignment! Does homemade chicken gravy…

Is Cool Whip gluten free? Gluten free toppings and frozen foods

Is Cool Whip gluten free? Gluten free toppings and frozen foods

Ooh, a lovely dollop of Cool Whip can taste SO good on a mug of hot chocolate, or a slice of pie. And of course, summertime is all the more delicious when you dunk fresh, luscious berries into a tub of Cool Whip. But, is Cool Whip actually gluten free? That is what we went…

Is soy sauce gluten free? Gluten free soy sauce options for Celiacs

Is soy sauce gluten free? Gluten free soy sauce options for Celiacs

Soy sauce is one of those salty, umami tastes that adds so much flavor to all sorts of dishes. Obviously, soy sauce is also a very popular condiment in Asian cuisine – and is a favorite dipping sauce for the always popular sushi! (I don’t think any of us could imagine dipping our sushi into…